Dr. Xenia Junge studied biology and subsequently completed her doctorate in environmental sciences at the University of Zurich and at Agroscope Reckenholz on the topic of "Perception of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes". During her dissertation and as a research assistant in social science landscape research at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL), she gained many years of experience in empirical social research on preferences and acceptance issues in landscape and nature conservation as well as in the agricultural sector. Among other things, she conducted surveys on social demands on alpine farming and on the acceptance of control measures as well as on the willingness to pay in neophyte management. As project manager at FORNAT AG, she developed a communication concept on the topic of neobiota for the Biosafety Section of the AWEL, Canton Zurich. During her work at Dialog N, numerous other projects on invasive alien species followed, including population surveys to evaluate communication campaigns and surveys among experts in the field of neobiotics to evaluate management measures.
Other projects deal with acceptance research in parks and an impact analysis of communication measures on the topic of protection against natural hazards.
Since June 2021, she has also held the mandate of the Executive Board of the Swiss Academic Society for Environmental Research and Ecology (saguf).